Safety First

What does it mean to be an accredited practice? Ingle Farm Dental has achieved the high standards set by the National Safety and Quality Health Service.
Our infection control protocols are meticulous – which are very important at any time, but even more so when Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are still fresh in our memories.
Please be assured that:
• All Ingle Farm Dental staff are highly trained in all infection control procedures;
• All of our instruments are thoroughly cleaned and sterilised after every use;
• Sterilisation procedures are monitored and tracked daily;
• All surfaces touched are cleaned and disinfected between every patient, both in the clinic and at the reception desk;
• The chairs in the reception area and handles on the front door are regularly cleaned
The COVID-19 situation has stabilised for the time being, but we still remain focused on providing you with the very best of care in the safest possible environment.