Mary Hrisafinas
HygienistFollowing a long career as a Dental Assistant with the Adelaide Dental Hospital (ADH), Mary qualified as a Dental Hygienist in 2007.
Mary has been with Ingle Farm Dental since 2008. She has an Advanced Diploma of Oral Health and is a member of the Dental Hygiene Association.
Mary strives to provide the best service and patient experience. Mary builds a trust with patients to assist in improving oral health, preventing gum disease, cavities, tooth loss and examines for oral cancers.
Mary is available for appointments on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Asked what she loves about her job, Mary replied "Meeting nice people who appreciate what we do for them. It's rewarding to know that patients understand the benefits of regular oral maintenance."
In her spare time Mary enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and cake decorating.